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Electric Ambulances

Technical Specification BNQ-SPEC 1013-200
Electric Ambulances — Vehicle Specifications

In a context where the demand for electric vehicles is growing, the BNQ (Bureau de normalisation du Québec) has developed this technical specification for electric ambulances to provide a reliable reference model for requirements.

Since its first edition in 1999, the standard BNQ 1013-110 Ambulances — Vehicle Specifications has defined the requirements related to ambulance specifications. However, since it was developed at a time when the electrification of transportation was not a social or governmental concern, this standard does not allow for technological innovation in the manufacturing of electric ambulances.

In addition to covering the requirements for electrically powered motors, this technical specification includes the fundamental elements of the standard BNQ 1013-110 related to security, identification or marking of ambulances, and ambulance functions. Wherever appropriate, the requirements are expressed in terms of performance, in such a way that allows for innovation.

The development of this technical specification was carried out in accordance with the process defined by the Standards Council of Canada (SCC), which is presented in the document National Technical Specifications.

For the planning of the transition work, see the diagram (French only)

  • Download specification

  • Committee members of specification
    Number of committee members : 8
    Renaud BouchardPropulsion Québec
    Renaud CarrierDemers Ambulances
    Denis DubéIndustries Malley
    David DucasseThe Lion Electric Company
    Vincent-Gabriel LangloisMinistère de la Santé et des Services sociaux (MSSS)
    Philippe NoëlDemers ambulances
    Richard PotvinDemers Ambulances
    Andrzej WisniowskiPropulsion Québec


Offer to verify self-declaration files

The validation of self-declaration files of declarations of compliance of an electric ambulance to the technical specification BNQ-SPEC 1013-200 ensures that these vehicles offer buyers a high level of quality. Ambulance assemblers need only submit a self-declaration to the BNQ who will check for compliance with the requirements of BNQ-SPEC 1013-200 and with other requirements of the program. These other requirements are set out in the Applicant’s Guide and divided into six categories:

1. Quality system
2. Quality control laboratory in the plant
3. Qualifications and training of quality control staff
4. Monitoring and testing in the plant
5. Corrective actions
6. Quality related records