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Construction worker

BNQ 1809-900
Public Works - General Administrative Documents - Civil Engineering Works

The standardized specification BNQ 1809-900 is a must in the field of municipal infrastructure in Québec. It establishes the rules for managing the administrative aspect involved in civil engineering projects and sets out the requirements that a contractor and project manager must fulfil when a contract is drawn up between them.

The specifications can be used for all types of civil engineering projects, including construction work for drinking water and sewer line installation (BNQ 1809-300), for excavation and backfilling, for road building and for other engineering infrastructure.

  • Download standardized specification (French only)
    12469 FRN BNQ 1809-900 Travaux de construction - Ouvrages de génie civil - Clauses administratives générales
    Cette nouvelle édition remplace celle du 15 février 2002.
    Veuillez noter que les formulaires de la section V font maintenant partie intégrante du document que vous achetez. La version PDF inclut les formulaires en format électronique remplissables à l'écran.
    Reapproval (confirmation) project (to Be Published)

  • Standardized specification committee members
    Number of committee members : 11
    Charles AbesqueAssociation des constructeurs de routes et grands travaux du Québec (ACRGTQ)
    Marie-Michèle BoudriasVille de Québec
    Dominic ChénierInter-Cité Construction
    Mélanie DesgagnéMinistère des Transports et de la Mobilité durable
    Laurier GauthierKSA Avocats + Notaires
    Étienne LacombeTGC
    Alexandre RaymondVille de Saint-Jérôme
    Gabriel RojoAssociation des firmes de génie-conseil du Québec (AFG)
    Dominic RouleauAssociation québécoise des entrepreneurs en infrastructure (AQEI)
    Isabel TardifVille de Montréal
    Maurice ZanonOrdre des ingénieurs du Québec (OIQ)
  • Contact

    Customer service
    Bureau de normalisation du Québec
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.