calendrier d'événements

Tractor spreading it lime

Standard BNQ 0419-090
Liming Materials from Industrial Processes

The repurposing of factory waste is an excellent environmental management strategy and offers many benefits to farmers and factories, particularly economic benefits. However, quality control in this field is vital. For that reason, the BNQ has developed standard BNQ 0419-090, which specifies the characteristics of calsic and magnesic conditioners deriving from industrial processes, as well as the criteria and test methods used to evaluate their characteristics. The standard applies to industrial products and by-products used to ameliorate soil and derived from, for example, the dust collecting system of lime kilns, pulp and paper mills, metal recovery, Portland cement manufacturing and egg shells.

  • Download standard
    11139 ANG BNQ 0419-090 Liming Materials from Industrial Processes
    This new edition supersedes the edition dated November 18, 2005.
    8181 FRN BNQ 0419-090 Amendements calciques ou magnésiens provenant de procédés industriels
    Cette nouvelle édition remplace celle du 18 novembre 2005.

  • Standards committee members
    Number of committee members : 14
    Régis BaziramakengaAgro-100
    Daniel BernierUnion des producteurs agricoles (UPA)
    Daniel EkouallaMinistère de l'Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques (MELCC) - Direction des matières résiduelles
    Lotfi KhiariUniversité Laval - Département des sols et de génie agroalimentaire
    Yves-Olivier LamarcheGraymont
    Raymond LeblancOrdre des agronomes du Québec
    Stéphane MartelMinistère de l'Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l'Alimentation du Québec (MAPAQ)
    Sylvain PionProducteurs de grains du Québec
    Richard ProvençalLes minéraux Harsco
    Pierre RémillardAgrinova
    Onil SamuelInstitut national de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ)
    Rachel ThibaultConseil de l'industrie forestière du Québec (CIFQ)
    Gaëlle Triffault-BouchetCentre d'expertise en analyse environnementale du Québec (CEAEQ)
    Noura ZiadiAgriculture and Agri-Food Canada Québec Research and Development Centre


Certification Offer

Marque de certification - Amendements calciques ou magnésiensBuyers of mineral conditioners are concerned to purchase quality products and they systematically trust the products recognized by the BNQ as conforming to BNQ standard 0419-090. The certification of mineral soil ameliorants is based on four documents, including the BNQ 0419-910 certification protocol. This document describes the certification requirements and procedural rules applicable to the certification of calsic or magnesic ameliorants or mixtures of calcic or magnesic ameliorants deriving from industrial processes, in accordance with the requirements of BNQ 0419-090. The program’s requirements are divided into four categories:

  • Specific requirements;
  • Sampling;
  • Marking;
  • Company quality management system requirements.

This certification program is accredited by the Standards Council of Canada.