Standard CAN/BNQ 2501-092
Soils - Determination of Liquid Limit by a Fall Cone Penetrometer and Determination of Plastic Limit
CAN/BNQ 2501-092 is a national standard that specifies the test method used to determine the liquid limit using a fall cone penetrometers and to determine the plastic limit of soils, from which the plasticity index is derived. The standard sets out requirements regarding five test method elements:
- apparatus (sieve, rubber paddle, mortar, pestle, bowl, spatula, penetrometer, cone, stainless steel container, running surface and other apparatus);
- preparing the sample (preparing cohesive soils visibly free of any particles larger than 400 µm, cohesive soils containing particles larger than 400 µm and cohesionless soils);
- procedures (determining the liquid limit (multipoint and one-point methods) and determining the plastic limit);
- calculating and expressing the results (determining the liquid limit (multipoint and one-point methods) and determining the plastic limit and plasticity index);
- test report.
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7917 ANG CAN/BNQ 2501-092 Soils - Determination of Liquid Limit by a Fall Cone Penetrometer and Determination of Plastic Limit This new edition supersedes the edition dated January 16, 2014. 7916 FRN CAN/BNQ 2501-092 Sols - Détermination de la limite de liquidité à l'aide d'un pénétromètre à cône et de la limite de plasticité Cette nouvelle édition remplace celle du 16 janvier 2014. -
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