The Bureau de normalisation du Québec (BNQ) is accredited by the Standards Council of Canada (SCC) as a certification organization. This accreditation ensures a conformity assessment issued by an impartial third party in compliance with international requirements applicable to certification bodies. Backed by these international accreditations, the BNQ is in a position to certify businesses all around the world.
BNQ certification covers many areas: products, services, competence, processes, management systems, etc. Any industrial or professional activity can be certified. Request a quote, consult the program contact, or call BNQ client service at 418-652-2238 or 1-800-386-5114 to find out more.
The BNQ is proud to offer certification programs that have earned it tremendous credibility internationally. As an independent third party, the BNQ insists on exemplary professional ethics that every employee and contractor must follow. BNQ auditors get solid training, and are knowledgeable individuals who are very familiar with the area to which the certification application applies. The certification process must meet the test of:
- rigour;
- transparency;
- independence;
- impartiality;
- uniformity;
- confidentiality.
BNQ certification makes for an excellent calling card: it guarantees compliance with the applicable standards on the part of the products and services offered, and of the systems in place. The thousands of BNQ clients from around the world see it every day: certification is a measure of quality that they could not do without. But it also distinguishes them from the competition, because it gets them to keep moving forward by updating their approaches in accordance with changes in industry requirements. From their point of view, there is no doubt that certification is the best asset when it comes to standing out and earning the trust of clients.
- BNQ 9902-001 Certification of products, processes and services – General rules of procedure
- General Rules of Procedure for the Certification of Systems by the BNQ
Misuse (mark and certificate of conformity) / Product recall
Complaint and appeal
Policies of BNQ - Certification
Scope of SCC accreditation