calendrier d'événements

Dry Root Fungus

Standard BNQ 3009-610
Contamination of Residential Buildings by Dry Root Fungus - Assessment of the Contamination and Rehabilitation of the Building

In the province of Québec, more and more houses are being damaged by dry root fungus. This wood-rotting fungus can develop in the wood in the presence of water and high humidity, in tight spaces that are poorly ventilated and not easily accessible or not frequently used, and predominantly in crawl spaces.

Various species of wood-rotting fungus, belonging to several genera, are prone to develop inside a building. These species may differ in appearance depending on the stage of their development, which sometimes makes them difficult to identify. However, these species do not all pose a risk to the structural integrity of a building, and the methods for their removal vary.

The new standard BNQ 3009-610 specifies the requirements relating to the assessment of building contamination due to dry root fungus, the most damaging of wood-rotting fungus, to confirm or rule out its presence, and, if its presence is confirmed, to determine the cause(s) and assess the extent of the contamination. The standard also specifies the requirements that apply to the rehabilitation of buildings contaminated by dry root fungus, by establishing the rules governing the decontamination work, remedial work, and communication with the client.

The standard is intended for any person interested in building contamination due to dry root fungus, namely professionals, general and trade contractors, owners, occupants, property managers, municipal and provincial authorities, and consumers.

Regulatory authorities who wish to better supervise activities related to the investigation and rehabilitation of homes contaminated by dry rot can either refer directly to the BNQ 3009-610 standard or to the training recognition program in their regulations.

  • Download standard (French only)

  • Guidance related to Dry Root Fungus
    • Find a worker who has successfully completed recognized training

    To carry out investigation or decontamination work, it is possible to retain the services of a worker who has passed the examination in one of the training courses recognized by the BNQ. This list of speakers is available in the Appendix attached to each of the training courses recognized by the BNQ.

  • Standards Committee Members
    Number of committee members : 14
    Madeleine BélisleAssociation des consommateurs pour la qualité dans la construction
    Louis BernierUniversité Laval
    Marie-Hélène CauchonMérule pleureuse Québec
    Michel-Ann ChampagneExpertbâ
    Laurence Côté-LeclercSociété d'habitation du Québec (SHQ)
    Gino DechamplainACE laboratoires inc.
    Marie-Pier GermainAssociation des professionnels de la construction et de l'habitation du Québec (APCHQ)
    Richard GervaisOrdre des technologues professionnels du Québec
    Eddy HunterVille de Montréal
    Christian Lebeau-JacobAssociation des microbiologistes du Québec
    Rymisma RaouiRégie du bâtiment du Québec (RBQ)
    Patrick RatelleFongix décontamination
    Charles TanguayOffice de la protection du consommateur
    Daniel VerreaultCentre d'expertise en analyse environnementale du Québec
  • Press review
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