Standard CAN/BNQ 1789-200
A Harmonized Methodology for Reporting the Production Pathway and Carbon Intensity of Hydrogen
The purpose of this standard is to create a harmonized approach to report essential characteristics of hydrogen production to hydrogen end-users.
In addition to carbon intensity, these key characteristics include:
- feedstock sources;
- energy sources;
- geographic supply chain;
- water supply and water intensiveness;
- country (or region) of origin.
This standard may be used to:
- communicate reliable information about the carbon intensity of hydrogen inventories, with a focus on transparency rather than uniformity of the carbon intensity evaluation;
- complement regulations referring to specific carbon intensities or to the production process of hydrogen by providing a harmonized methodology to establish and report this information;
- complement international standards related to the determination of the greenhouse gas emissions associated with the production of hydrogen;
- complement classification systems that establish hydrogen categories by providing traceable data to legitimate category allocations by producers.
The standard also aims at providing a harmonized approach to share information on hydrogen products. It does not intend to provide an assessment of the contribution to any provincial or federal climate policy of hydrogen.
The information to be reported under this standard is two-fold:
- a label disclosing synthetic information, including the hydrogen production pathway, the hydrogen carbon intensity, and a set of synthetic pieces of information;
- an optional supplementary information compendium providing additional, more detailed information supporting the label interpretation.
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Standards Committee Members
Number of committee members : 15
Sadri Behnam Enbridge Gas Marzouk Benali Natural Resources Canada Brian Borglum FuelCell Energy Christina Daniels BP Products North America Giovanni Di Lullo Suncor Rosa Dominguez-Faus Gas Technology Institute (GTI Energy) Giovanna Gonzales-Calienes National Research Council Canada Jérôme Gosset Pyonnier Développement Jennifer Hamilton California Hydrogen Business Council David Park Hydrogen Fuel Cell Partnership Benoit Plamondon Tetra Tech Ghasideh Pourhashem EcoEngineers Guillaume Soucy Énergir Andrei V. Tchouvelev Hydrogen Council Sylvain Vachon Ministère de l'Économie, de l'Innovation et de l'Énergie -
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