Standard CAN/BNQ 3672-100
Biomethane - Quality Specifications for Injection into Natural Gas Distribution and Transmission Systems
The development of biomethane as a fuel is revolutionary in the energy field. However, for people and industries to benefit from it, biomethane must be able to be carried by existing distribution and transmission systems. It turns out that the systems used for natural gas are suitable if certain requirements are met. Those requirements are set out in the CAN/BNQ 3672-100 standard, developed by the BNQ at the request of Gaz métro. The standard sets out the characteristics and composition that biomethane must have at the point of injection into a natural gas distribution or transmission system to ensure that it is compatible with the characteristics of the natural gas in the system. Created in response to an industry need, the standard applies to biomethane produced from biogas resulting from anaerobic decomposition, regardless of the source of organic matter. Note that the standard does not deal with biomethane used for dedicated applications or for private systems.
By fostering the development of biogas, the CAN/BNQ 3672-100 standard is contributing significantly to Québec’s greenhouse gas reduction efforts.
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Standards committee members
Number of committee members : 16
Ala Abusalhieh Enbridge Gas Donald Beverly Énergir Joey Broda FortisBC Energy Kerry Checkwitch Enbridge Gas Transmission & Midstream Vincent Chouinard-Thibodeau Ministère de l’Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs (MELCCFP) Kim Cornelissen Coop Carbone Bruno Dion Ministère de l’Économie, de l’Innovation et de l’Énergie (MEIE) Chase Edgelow EverGen Martin Goupil Société d’économie mixte de l’Est de la couronne Sud (SÉMECS) Jennifer Green Canadian Biogas Association (CBA) James Inglis Trans Québec & Maritimes Pipeline (TQM) Andrew McFarlan CanmetENERGY Ottawa — Natural Resources Canada (NRCAN) Vincent Morales The Coalition for Renewable Natural Gas (RNG Coalition) Benoit Spedding Complexe Enviro Connexions Brad Tanner TC Energy Luc Turcotte EBI Énergie -
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