calendrier d'événements

Stand-Alone Wastewater Treatment Systems for Isolated Dwellings

Standard NQ 3680-910
Wastewater Treatment - Stand-Alone Wastewater Treatment Systems for Isolated Dwellings

The challenge for persons living in isolated dwellings is to establish an effective system for managing water, particularly wastewater. For this purpose, stand-alone wastewater treatment systems have been developed and must meet specific requirements governing their reliability and conformity to municipal bylaws. The BNQ has therefore developed the NQ 3680-910 standard. This standard establishes the performance requirements applicable to stand-alone wastewater treatment systems for isolated dwellings and specifies the test methods used to verify their performance conformity against the requirements established by regulatory authorities.

It applies only to wastewater treatment systems for isolated dwellings and not to the systems of buildings attached to them.

  • Download standard

  • Standards committee members
    Number of committee members : 12
    Gilles ChampagneBionest Technologies inc.
    Daniel CimonCorporation des officiers municipaux en bâtiment et en environnement du Québec
    François R. CôtéDBO Expert inc. (représentant OIQ)
    Tony Di FrusciaVille de Montréal
    Claude GalarneauLe Roseau épurateur inc.
    Nathalie HouleMinistère du développement durable, de l'environnment et des parcs
    Bernard LavalléeMinistère de l'Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques
    Paul LessardUniversité Laval
    Richard MaroisConseil régional de l'environnement de la Montérégie
    Henri OuelletPremier Tech ltée
    David RoySociété d'habitation du Québec
    Représentant Réseau environnement


Certification Offer

3680-910The certification of wastewater treatment systems is vital to marketing and useful both for manufacturers interested in obtaining recognition of the conformity of their stand-alone wastewater treatment systems as well as individuals responsible for enforcing the Regulation respecting waste water disposal systems for isolated dwellings. Therefore, manufactures can have their wastewater treatment systems certified under the BNQ certification program created for that purpose. The program is based on standard NQ 3680-910 and the BNQ 3680-915 certification protocol, which specifies the procedure that manufacturers must follow to show that they conform to the requirements applicable to the products submitted for certification.

This certification program is accredited by the Standards Council of Canada.