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storm sewer pipes pe

BNQ 3624-120
Smooth Inside Wall Open-Profile Polyethylene (PE) Pipe and Polyethylene Fittings for Storm Sewers, Culverts and Soil Drainage

This document is currently undergoing public review.
Click here for more information.


Manufacturers of pipe and fittings designed for storm sewers, culverts and soil drainage must meet high quality standards to ensure buyer satisfaction. In this regard, the BNQ 3624-120 standard is essential. It specifies the characteristics and test methods applicable to polyethylene (PE) pipe and fittings designed for storm sewers, culverts and soil drainage. It applies to smooth inside wall open profile pipes, perforated or non-perforated, of diameters from 75 mm to 1500 mm and to fittings fabricated from pipe cuttings, rotationally moulded fittings, blow moulded fittings, injection moulded fittings and thermoformed fittings. The standard establishes requirements and provides certain indications concerning the classification and designation of pipes, test and control methods, marking and handling. Pipes are divided into two classes: Class A, mainly used for urban and road infrastructures, and Class B, for soil drainage.

General requirements:

  • Manufacturing material;
  • General pipe and fitting characteristics;
  • Joining techniques.

Specific requirements:

  • Dimensional characteristics;
  • Mechanical and physical characteristics;
  • UV-ray protection.

  • Download standard
    11168 ANG BNQ 3624-120 Smooth Inside Wall Open-Profile Polyethylene (PE) Pipe and Polyethylene (PE) Fittings for Storm Sewers, Culverts and Soil Drainage
    This new edition supersedes the edition dated September 12, 2006.
    REVISION IN PROGRESS (expected date for the new edition: July 2025)
    11169 FRN BNQ 3624-120 Tuyaux à profil ouvert et à paroi intérieure lisse en polyéthylène (PE) et raccords en polyéthylène (PE) pour les égouts pluviaux, les ponceaux et le drainage des sols
    Cette nouvelle édition remplace celle du 12 septembre 2006.
    REVISION IN PROGRESS (expected date for the new edition: July 2025)

  • Standards committee members
    Number of committee members : 12
    David BeaumierGroupe CTT
    Hélène BélangerVille de Québec
    Nancy BilodeauCorporation des officiers municipaux en bâtiment et environnement du Québec (COMBEQ)
    Claude CouillardCentre d'expertise et de recherche en infrastructures urbaines (CERIU)
    Simon DecosteADS Canada
    David GervaisArmtec
    Eric LeclairCoalia
    Marc-Antoine LorangerMinistère des Transports et de la Mobilité durable (MTMD)
    Alex PapineauMaxi-Drain
    Dominic RouleauAssociation québécoise des entrepreneurs en infrastructure (AQEI)
    Mathieu St-LouisSoleno
    Frédéric TremblayAssociation des ingénieurs municipaux du Québec (AIMQ)


Mark of conformityCertification Offer 

Compliance with the requirements of standard BNQ 3624-120 ensures the quality of manufactured products but also guarantees product conformity for the benefit of buyers. The certification program based on this standard includes all of the requirements set out in four documents, including the BNQ 3624-907 certification protocol. The BNQ 3624-907 protocol establishes the certification requirements, procedural rules and marking requirements applicable to the certification of polyethylene (PE) pipe and fittings in accordance with the requirements of standard BNQ 3624-120. It is intended for pipe manufacturers interested in having the BNQ recognize the conformity of their pipe and fittings and for clients who wish to use the certification protocol. To have their pipe and fittings certified, manufacturers must submit an application to the BNQ and show that they comply with the requirements of the certification program. This certification program is accredited by the Standards Council of Canada.

This certification program is accredited by the Standards Council of Canada.