calendrier d'événements

tobacco cessation

Standard CAN/BNQ 9700-860
Tobacco Cessation

As part of the Canadian Tobacco Strategy (CTS) and the Government of Canada's commitment to reach the goal of less than 5% smoking prevalence by 2035, Health Canada (HC), the Standards Council of Canada (SCC) and the University of Ottawa Heart Institute's Ottawa Model for Smoking Cessation ((UOHI-OMSC)) are collaborating to expand the use of a systematic process that will provide treatment for smokers in the healthcare system through the development of national voluntary smoking cessation standards.

In February 2022, the SCC held a workshop in collaboration with HC and UOHI-OMSC to identify solutions to the challenges and opportunities associated with adopting a national standard on smoking cessation. Nearly 60 participants representing healthcare professionals, healthcare administrators, governmental and non-governmental organizations had the opportunity to present their views.

This standard, currently under development, is in response to the results of this workshop. Its aim is to provide healthcare organizations across Canada with the tools they need to create and implement a systematic identification and treatment of smokers (SITS) adapted to their resources and clienteles.

  • Download standard

    12863 ANG CAN/BNQ 9700-860 Tobacco Cessation
    PROJECT IN PROCESS (planned date for publication: January 2026)
    12862 FRN CAN/BNQ 9700-860 Cessation tabagique
    PROJECT IN PROCESS (planned date for publication: January 2026)

  • Standards committee members

    Number of committee members : 13
    Marie-Hélène GéromeSanté Canada - Direction de la lutte au tabagisme
    Shaun GoodwinNova Scotia Health - Community Wellness and Supports - Mental Health and Addictions
    Les HagenASH Canada (Action on Smoking & Health)
    Mir HassanInstitut de cardiologie de l'Université d'Ottawa
    Shelley HewitsonHorizon Health Network
    Andrée-Sophie LevasseurCanadian Cancer Society
    Laura MetcalfeBC Ministry of Health, Population and Public Health
    Kristie MorydzCancerCare Manitoba
    Isabelle SamsonCentre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de l'Estrie - Centre hospitalier universitaire de Sherbrooke
    Richard San CartierN'Mninoeyaa Aboriginal Health Access Centre
    Peter SelbyThe Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH)
    Caroline SilvermanCanadian Partnership Against Cancer
    Cynthia N WilcottFédération des hygiénistes dentaires du Québec (FHDQ)

  • Contact

    Customer service
    Bureau de normalisation du Québec
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