Standard CAN/BNQ 2501-070
Soils - Determination of Density of Solid Particles
This national standard specifies the test method used to determine the density of solid particles of soils that pass through a 5 mm sieve. The results of the test are used for designing civil engineering structures or for verifying their quality.
The standard sets out requirements regarding six main elements:
- apparatus;
- calibrating the pycnometer;
- preparing the sample;
- procedure;
- calculating and expressing the results;
- test report.
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7853 ANG CAN/BNQ 2501-070 Soils - Determination of Density of Solid Particles This new edition supersedes the edition dated April 8, 2014. The edition number of this English version was corrected to match that of the French version. Therefore, it has been incremented from the third edition to the fifth edition. 7852 FRN CAN/BNQ 2501-070 Sols - Détermination de la densité des particules solides Cette nouvelle édition remplace celle du 8 avril 2014. -
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