Standard CAN/BNQ 2501-140
Soils - Standard Penetration Test (SPT) and Sampling with a Split-Barrel Sampler
National Standard of Canada CAN/BNQ 2501-140 specifies a test method used to determine the penetration index N in vertical drilling and to obtain a disturbed soil sample. The Standard Penetration Test is used during geotechnical investigations for the purpose of determining the nature and compaction of the soil.
This standardized test method establishes the requirements for three specific elements:
- Equipment: drilling equipment, split-barrel sampler, jarring device
- Operating method : preparation of borehole, penetration test, sample extraction
- Drilling report : drilling data, test data
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11004 ANG CAN/BNQ 2501-140 Soils - Standard Penetration Test (SPT) and Sampling with a Split-Barrel Sampler This is a reaffirmation (reapproval) of the edition dated October 23, 2015. 12730 FRN CAN/BNQ 2501-140 Sols - Essai de pénétration standard (SPT) et échantillonnage au carottier fendu Il s'agit d'une reconduction (confirmation) du texte de l'édition du 23 octobre 2015.
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