Standard CAN/BNQ 2501-500
Geotechnical Site Investigations for Foundations of Building or Structure in Permafrost Zones
The standard CAN/BNQ 2501-500 proposes a consistent and robust methodology for carrying out geotechnical site investigations in a risk management approach adapted to a changing climate.
This methodology is based on a detailed assessment of the site-specific conditions and on rigorous reporting of results. It takes into account current and projected climatic conditions to ensure the resilience and sustainability of infrastructures to face the impacts of climate change.
Geotechnical site investigations are crucial for adapting buildings and structures to climatic conditions, particularly in permafrost zones, where complexity is heightened. With the accelerated warming of the Arctic, these engineering challenges become even more pressing. An appropriate geotechnical site investigation program allows to select the proper foundations for a given site, whether for new construction or the rehabilitation of existing structures.
Customer service
CAN/BNQ 2501-500
Geotechnical Site Investigations for Foundations of Building or Structure in Permafrost Zones
This new edition supersedes the edition dated February 20, 2017.
CAN/BNQ 2501-500
Études géotechniques pour les fondations de bâtiments et d'ouvrages d'art dans les zones de pergélisol
Cette nouvelle édition remplace celle du 20 février 2017.
Lukas Arenson BGC Engineering Heather Auld Climate Services International Warren Badley Government of Yukon Jean-Pascal Bilodeau Université Laval Sara Brown Northwest Territories Association of Communities (NWTAC) Lupin Daignault Office d'habitation du Nunavik (OHN) Ed Grozic Tetra Tech Faustin Habiyaremye Société du Plan Nord Antoni G. Lewkowicz University of Ottawa Naeem Mughal Government of Nunavut Aron Piamsalee Stantec Consulting Yves Thériault Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada Terry Warner Government of the Northwest Territories
Bureau de normalisation du Québec