calendrier d'événements

Produits de pépinières

Standard BNQ 0605-300
Nursery and Turf Products

BNQ standards on ornamental horticulture (BNQ 0605-) are excellent guides for growers and service providers in landscaping and the ornamental industry concerned with offering their customers guarantees of quality and reliability.

These standards contribute to ensuring that the production, use and maintenance of plants and landscaping work with inert materials are carried out with environmental preservation in mind and consideration of currently existing techniques.

Standard BNQ 0605-300 applies to nursery and turf products. In addition to specifying requirements ensuring a minimum level of quality for the most common products, the standard establishes key components to be considered for orders and proposes recommendations to facilitate trade. The standard is divided into 12 sections:

  • definitions;
  • nursery plants – Specifications;
  • young nursery plants – Specifications;
  • deciduous trees – Specifications;
  • conifers – Specifications;
  • fruit trees – Specifications;
  • small fruit plants – Specifications;
  • deciduous and broadleaf evergreen shrubs – Specifications;
  • grafted roses – Specifications;
  • perennials – Specifications;
  • native plants – Specifications;
  • sod – Specifications.

  • Download standard
    12548 FRN BNQ 0605-300 Produits de pépinières et de gazon
    Cette nouvelle édition remplace celle du 21 septembre 2001.

  • Financial contributors

    The development of this standard was made possible thanks to the financial support of the following organizations:



     QUEBECVERT  SIAQ logo coul-5




  • Standards Committee Members
    Number of committee members : 14
    Nicolas BarilPépinière Auclair et Frères
    Guy BouletFédération interdisciplinaire de l'horticulture ornementale du Québec
    Gilles Couillard DesprésÉcole professionnelle de Saint-Hyacinthe (EPSH)
    Marie-Claude DarveauGroupe Richer
    Gilles ÉthierAssociation des producteurs de gazon du Québec
    Martin GaudetVille de Montréal
    André GosselinAiglon indigo
    Guillaume GrégoireCentre de recherche en innovation sur les végétaux Université Laval
    Meagan HannaSociété internationale d'arboriculture Québec (SIAQ)
    Marc LégaréInstitut québécois de développement de l'horticulture ornementale (IQDHO)
    Marie NoletMinistère des Transports
    Yvon RacineAssociation des surintendants de golf du Québec
    Audrey RondeauPépinière vert forêt nursery
    Julie TellierAssociation des responsables d'espaces verts du Québec (AREVQ)
  • Contact

    Customer service
    Bureau de normalisation du Québec
    Tel.: 418-652-2238 / 1-800-386-5114
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.