Standard BNQ 3623-085
Ductile Cast Iron Piping and Joints for Drinking Water and Sewer Line Systems – Characteristics and Test Methods
Manufacturers of ductile iron pipe for pressure water pipelines must take a significant number of elements into consideration to ensure to provide a uniform, safe product. Standard BNQ 3623-085 addresses this need by establishing the general and specific requirements related to the physical, mechanical and dimensional properties of ductile iron pipe to be used in pressure water pipelines of a diameter from 75 mm to 1,600 mm for pipes with bell-and-spigot joints and a diameter of 75 mm to 600 mm for pipes with a mechanical seal. BNQ 3623-085 serves as a reference to evaluation of pipe compliance. It also provides indications regarding sampling, testing methods and control methods applicable to ductile iron pipe (control of dimensional properties, testing methods and compliance control) and marking.
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12586 ANG BNQ 3623-085 Ductile Cast Iron Piping and Joints for Drinking Water and Sewer Line Systems - Characteristics and Test Methods This new edition supersedes the edition dated March 28, 2002. 8265 FRN BNQ 3623-085 Tuyaux et joints d'assemblage en fonte ductile pour conduites d'eau potable et d'égout - Caractéristiques et méthodes d'essai Cette nouvelle édition remplace celle du 28 mars 2002.
Standards Committee Members
Number of committee members : 8
Gérard Bizien Forterra Conduite sous pression Claude Couillard Ville de Québec Normand De Agostinis Association de recherche sur les tuyaux en fonte ductile (DIPRA) Donald Ellis Ministère de l'Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs (MELCCFP) Joël Lambert Ville de Victoriaville Guy Morin Centre de métallurgie du Québec Jacques Pharand Ville de Montréal Martin Phinney Canada Pipe Company ULC
Certification Offer
Pipe manufacturers interested in recognition of their products’ compliance, as well as clients, can benefit from obtaining protocol BNQ 3221-900, which establishes the certification requirements, procedural rules and marking requirements that apply to certification of ductile iron pipe for pressure water pipelines under the requirements of BNQ 3623-085. By meeting the requirements of the certification program described in the protocol and the other program documents, they will ensure recognition of their products’ compliance by BNQ and their clients’ satisfaction.
This certification program is accredited by the Standards Council of Canada.
Download documents required for certification
- Certification steps (French only)
- Consult contents, Purpose and Scope
Certified businesses
Total number :2
Benoit Houde, P. Eng.
Program Leader
Bureau de normalisation du Québec
Cell.: 581-991-5593This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.