Standard CAN/BNQ 2501-060
Soils - Determination of In-Place Density of Soil Using the Sand-Cone Method
This national standard specifies a test method used to determine the in-place density of soil using calibrated sand to measure the test hole. Note that this test is limited to soils containing particles no greater than 56 mm in diameter, because of the apparatus required. The standard sets out requirements regarding four main elements:
- apparatus (apparatus description, choice of sand, scales, water content equipment and other equipment);
- procedure (sand calibration, determining the mass of sand required to fill the funnel and base plate, determining the in-place density of soil and minimum volume of test hole);
- calculating and expressing the results (calculating the density of the calibrated sand, test hole volume, and wet and dry soil densities);
- test report.
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11149 ANG CAN/BNQ 2501-060 Soils - Determination of In-Place Density of Soil Using the Sand-Cone Method This is a reaffirmation (reapproval) of the edition dated March 20, 2017. 7848 FRN CAN/BNQ 2501-060 Sols - Détermination de la masse volumique du sol en place selon la méthode du cône de sable Il s'agit d'une reconduction (confirmation) du texte de l'édition du 20 mars 2017.
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