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Standardized specification BNQ 1809-350
Construction - Rock Blasting - Preventing Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Safety measures are of the utmost importance in rock blasting. To protect residents near construction sites as well as contractors and their employees from carbon monoxide poisoning, the BNQ has developed the Standardized specification BNQ 1809-350. It sets out requirements for reducing the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning during rock blasting on construction sites.

The Standardized specification is for general contractors, special trade contractors, individuals and corporations writing documents for construction that requires rock blasting.

TheStandardized specification BNQ 1809-350 does not deal specifically with preventing carbon monoxide poisoning in mining operations or gravel pits, but it may be possible to apply it in whole or in part. In that case, the mine or gravel pit operator is responsible for verifying that the Standardized specification applies to its operations. Note that the Standardized specification does not apply to the secondary blasting of completely excavated glacial boulders that are uncovered on all sides except the bottom.

  • Download Standardized specification (French only)

  • Warning

    WARNING. ---

    • The application of the requirements of this Standardized specification does not allow the contractor to evade the obligation to comply with the laws and regulations in its field of activity.

    • The carbon monoxide alarms referred to in this quote are designed to trigger an alarm based on concentrations which are established in the reference Standardized specification of these devices. Concentrations below the established threshold and does not cause an alarm could still affect some people more vulnerable (pregnant women, infants and young children, people with cardiovascular diseases). It is recommended that the user of this quote taken into account. In some cases, it may be that the requirements of this Standardized specification are not sufficient to adequately prevent poisoning by carbon monoxide and that special measures or adapted to the context of a project are necessary.

    • In this case, the requirements of this Standardized specification can be modified and supplemented in a separate document, in the form of a particular quote. It is the responsibility of the user of this Standardized specification to ensure that it meets their needs and modify or supplement if any.
  • Fact sheets (French only)
  • Standardized specification committee members
    Number of committee members : 11
    Sonya BeaumontVille de Québec Service ingénierie
    Damien CôtéForage Dynami-tech
    Pierre DorvalMinistère des Transports du Québec Service géotechnique et géologie
    Yves GilbertSociété d'énergie explosive du Québec
    Daniel Gros-JeanDyno Nobel Canada inc. A business of Incitec Pivot Limited
    Jean-Marie JeanLocal ami FTQ construction (AFBCQ)
    Sany MaltaisDirection générale de la sécurité civile et de la sécurité incendie, MSP
    Pierre MichaudRessources naturelles Canada
    Johanne PaquetteCommission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail
    Daria PeregMinistère de la Santé et des Services sociaux
    Serge TremblayOrica Canada inc.
  • Contact

    Customer service
    Bureau de normalisation du Québec
    Tel.: 418-652-2238 / 1-800-386-5114
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