calendrier d'événements

BNQ 21000

BNQ 9700-021
Sustainable Development - Guidelines for the Implementation of Principles for Management of Enterprises and Other Organizationss

This guide, intended for voluntary use, fosters and encourages application of the 16 principles set out in the Sustainable Development Act (social equity and solidarity, environmental protection, economic efficiency, etc.) and was written for all organizations interested in making sustainable development part of their business strategy. It presents a six-step approach to incorporating the principles of sustainable development:

  • Motivation among senior management
  • Self-evaluation
  • Engagement
  • Planning, priority and implementation
  • Achievements and learning
  • Communication

Because continuous improvement is another objective, the organization can repeat the steps again once they have been completed. This process involves two main tools:

  • Self-evaluation checklist: five levels of maturity ranging from “pre-contemplation” to “industry standard."
  • Strategic checklist: identify the action to be taken and the stakeholders involved in each issue.

This guide is based on the SD 21000 reference document developed by the Association française de normalisation (AFNOR) and adapted to the context of Québec realities.

  • Download standard
    12706 ANG BNQ 9700-021 Sustainable Development - Guidelines for the Implementation of Principles for Management of Enterprises and Other Organizations
    This standard is presently being publicized under the title of "BNQ 21000" (non-official title). Annexes D and E are provided with each purchase of a copy of the document BNQ 9700-021, and are also available at in PDF format.
    Reapproval (confirmation) project (to Be Published)
    12654 FRN BNQ 9700-021 Développement durable - Guide d'application des principes dans la gestion des entreprises et des autres organisations
    Ce document est couramment diffusé sous la désignation « BNQ 21000 » (non officielle). À chaque achat d'un document 9700-021, les annexes D et E font partie du guide et sont aussi accessibles dans le site, en PDF - formulaires sous forme « verrouillée » qui empêche l'altération des formulaires, mais qui permet de les remplir dans les espaces prévus à cet effet et de les enregistrer comme tels.
    Reapproval (confirmation) project (to Be Published)

  • Standards committee members
    Number of committee members : 18
    Marc BelleyTakt-Etik
    Annie BrassardCentre québécois de développement durable
    Jean-François Brousseau
    Jean CadieuxChaire Desjardins en gestion du développement durable
    Guillaume Coulombe
    Francine CraigCohésion RSO
    Esther DormagenElli conseil en développement durable
    Véronique JampierreFonds d'action québécois en développement durable (FAQDD)
    Raymond JeudiTransformation alimentaire Québec (TRANSAQ) MAPAQ
    Bastien Larouche
    Kevin Mcmahon
    Léandre A. Morin
    Claude NormandinFondaction CSN
    Michèle Roy
    Lise SylvainAlcoa Canada Première fusion
    Janine TremblayConseil des Montagnais du Lac St-Jean
    Marie-France TurcotteCRSDD - DSRSE - ESG - UQAM
    Jean-Robert WellsChaire de recherche en Éco-conseil de l'UQAC
  • Partners
  • Contact

    Customer service
    Bureau de normalisation du Québec
    Tel.: 418-652-2238 / 1-800-386-5114
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.