Standard CAN/BNQ 2501-170
Soils - Determination of Water Content
This national standard specifies a test method used to determine the water content of a soil. It sets out requirements for five main elements:
- apparatus (oven, scales and containers);
- preparing the sample (minimum sample mass on the basis of maximum particle size);
- procedure;
- calculating and expressing the results;
- test method.
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7927 ANG CAN/BNQ 2501-170 Soils - Determination of Water Content This is a reaffirmation (reapproval) of the edition dated January 21, 2014. 7926 FRN CAN/BNQ 2501-170 Sols - Détermination de la teneur en eau Il s'agit d'une reconduction (confirmation) du texte de l'édition du 21 janvier 2014.
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