calendrier d'événements

people gathered at the tables

Standard BNQ 9700-253
Sustainable Development – Responsible Event Management

Events often have a negative impact on the environment: excessive use of paper, major production of greenhouse gas emissions, and so on. For that reason, today’s event planners are interested in responsible management, which also happens to give a significant boost to the image and promotion of an event. With this in mind, BNQ 9700-253 defines responsible event management and establishes technical rules based on the 16 principles of the Sustainable Development Act of Québec. It enables planners, service providers, participants and users to shrink the natural and human environmental footprint of events and enhance their economic and social spinoffs. This initiative by the Réseau des femmes en environnement and the Conseil québécois des évènements écoresponsables (CQEER) is a nationally and internationally recognized benchmark.

  • Download standard

    12684 ANG BNQ 9700-253 Sustainable Development - Responsible Event Management
    WITHDRAWN DOCUMENT - This document is withdrawn, this means that its content is no longer kept up to date.
    12641 FRN BNQ 9700-253 Développement durable - Gestion responsable d'évènements
    Cette nouvelle édition remplace celle du 8 juin 2010.

  • Standards committee members
    Number of committee members : 18
    Jean-François AhernModus Operandi Logistiques
    Jacinthe AyotteGrand Prix de Trois-Rivières (GP3R)
    Benoit BrièreVille de Gatineau
    Daniela CaputoMontreal Event Planner
    François CormierÉcho-Logique
    Nicolas CournoyerMulticolore
    Marie-Pier Dagenais-RobergeFestiVoix
    Émilie Leblanc LabergeÉvasion Nature Petite-Vallée
    Sophie-Laurence H. LauzonRéseau des femmes en environnement
    Jasmine LortieMinistère du Tourisme
    Pablo ManeyrolTOHU
    Elsa MoawadGroupe AGÉCO
    Isabelle MoïseRECYC-QUÉBEC
    Catherine NoppenInstitut de tourisme et d'hôtellerie du Québec (ITHQ)
    Joannie RoyHydro-Québec
    Sophie SimoneauLoto-Québec
    Sélène SuetFestivals et Événements verts de l’Estrie (FEVE)
    Sylvie ThébergeÉvénements Attractions Québec (EAQ)