calendrier d'événements

funeral service

Standard BNQ 9700-699
Professional Customer Service - Funeral Service Providers

The death of a loved one leads to numerous procedures for the survivors, who will usually use a funeral service provider. Of course, the expectations placed on these businesses are great, in large part due to the upheaval resulting from the death. Funeral service providers will therefore benefit from referring to the BNQ 9700-699 standard, which sets out requirements regarding the quality of service delivery specifically in this field. The standard covers the following:

  • professionalism and compliance with legislation and regulations;
  • record keeping, identification, contractual documents and confidentiality;
  • reception, communication, transportation and presentation procedures;
  • transportation, offices and service rooms; outsourcing, cremation, products offered and pre-arrangements;
  • staff training, client satisfaction and complaint handling.

This standard has been designed to ensure that the services provided are high-quality and transparent, and to better protect those affected by a death so that they may better deal with their grief.

  • Download standard
    12673 ANG BNQ 9700-699 Professional Customer Service - Funeral Service Providers
    This edition reaffirms (reapproves) the edition dated month July 10, 2009, which now includes Amendment No. 1 dated August 12, 2021. Consequently, this edition is equivalent to the previous edition.
    12642 FRN BNQ 9700-699 Prestation de services professionnels à la clientèle - Entreprises de services funéraires
    La présente édition reconduit (confirme), en les intégrant, le texte de l'édition du 10 juillet 2009 et le texte du modificatif n° 1 du 12 aout 2021. Par conséquent, la présente édition est équivalente à l'édition antérieure.

  • Standards committee members
    Number of committee members : 12
    Gino CloutierAssociation des cimetières catholiques romains du Québec
    Brigitte DeschênesLa résidence funéraire Saguenay
    Denis DesrochersLes Centres funéraires Grégoire et Desrochers
    André FournierMaison commémorative familiale Fournier
    Jonathan GoyerCorporation des thanatologues du Québec
    Yves LeclaircUnion des consommateurs (UC)
    Denis Jean MarcouxSolutions 4T gestion de projet
    Danis Prud'hommeRéseau FADOQ
    Francis RémillardOffice de la protection du consommateur - Direction des services aux clientèles et de la surveillance administrative
    Yvan RodrigueLépine Cloutier
    Geneviève VeilleuxArbor Memorial Services
    Nathalie ViensExperte


Certification Offer 

Marque de certification - Professionnalisme certifiéClients will trust a funeral service provider that is certified. Therefore, seeking BNQ certification is the best decision a funeral service provider can make to shine in the eyes of its clients. The BNQ offers a certification program on the basis of four documents, including the BNQ 9700-999 certification protocol. As part of the certification process, the funeral service provider must provide documentation that must be updated continually. As well, the BNQ will verify that all the requirements of the program have been fulfilled. The verification will be performed in two steps:

  • verification of documentation from the funeral service provider;
  • interviews, direct verification of activities or verification of the results of activities.

This certification program is accredited by the Standards Council of Canada.