Certificate number: 3691
Initial date: 2020-06-22
Expiry date: 2026-06-30
Company: POLYTUBES 2009 INC.
Address: 416 Pido Road
Peterborough (Ontario) Canada K9J 6X7
Telephone: 705-740-2872
Reference document: BNQ 3660-950 2014-02-20 M1 (2020-01-28)
Safety of Products and Materials in Contact with Drinking Water
Protocol or Scope: BNQ 3660-959 2016-02-04
Innocuité des produits et des matériaux en contact avec l'eau potable - Protocole de certification
Specific requirements: BNQ EP 3660-950 2016-02-04
Exigences de certification BNQ 3660-950