Certificate number: 1576
Initial date: 2011-05-26
Expiry date: 2025-05-31
Address: RR #2, 2099 Roseville Road
Cambridge (Ontario) Canada N1R 5S3
Telephone: 519-622-7574
Fax: 519-621-8233
Reference document: BNQ 2622-126 2009-04-01
Reinforced Concrete and Unreinforced Concrete Pipes and Monolithic Lateral Connections for Evacuation of Domestic Wastewater and Storm Water
Protocol or Scope: BNQ 2622-951 2012-02-27
Tuyaux et branchements latéraux monolithiques en béton armé et non armé, et regards d'égout, puisards, chambres des vannes et postes de pompage préfabriqués en béton armé - Protocole de certification
Specific requirements: BNQ EP 2622-126 2012-02-27
Exigences de certification BNQ 2622-126
Product/Process/Service: Reinforced Concrete Pipe