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BNQ 9825-900
Remarkable Employer and Remarkable Employer — Ethnocultural Diversity — Certification Program

Organizations know that their greatest asset is their workforce, but how can they attract and retain talent? The answer is simply by standing out as a remarkable employer that provides its employees with a high-quality workplace. Launched in November 2008, the Remarkable Employer certification program originated from Groupe Ambition’s desire to set up a program to independently recognize, on the basis of an organizational survey it had designed, the quality of a business’s internal business relationships as perceived by the employees. Through an initiative of the Québec Ministère de l’Immigration, de la Diversité et de l’Inclusion, the program was recently revamped to emphasize management practices involving ethnocultural diversity and to offer two types of certificate, namely « Remarkable Employer » and « Remarkable Employer—Ethnocultural Diversity. »

  • Program development committee members
    Number of committee members : 10
    Sébastien ArcandHEC Montréal
    Sonia BélandMinistère de l'Immigration, de la Diversité et de l'Inclusion (MIDI)
    Marilou BleauLes Services Conseils Systématix inc.
    Nathalie ChaloinFjordtech
    Marie-Christina HerranL-IPSE Services conseil
    Chantal Lamoureux
    Anne-Marie MarcotteConférence régionale des élus de Montréal (CRÉ Montréal)
    Josée MoreauDir. mesures et serv aux entreprises et du placem. Emploi-Québec
    Saileth RamirezCentre de recherche industrielle du Québec (CRIQ)
    Yanick SaindonMinistère de l'Immigration, de la Diversité et de l'Inclusion (MIDI)


Certification Offer 

The Remarkable Employer and Remarkable Employer - Ethnocultural Diversity certification program is for any type of business or organization, regardless of the product or service provided. Interested organizations have two options for certification, depending on their needs and the socio-demographic profile of their staff.

                                                   employeur remarquable en              employeur remarquable diversite en   

To ensure that survey results are reliable for statistical and certification purposes, a minimum number of employees is required, namely 10 employees for Remarkable Employer and 15 employees, 5 of whom are immigrants, or 10% of employees surveyed for organizations with 50 employees or more, for Remarkable Employer - Ethnocultural Diversity.

Depending on the option chosen and the survey results obtained, specifically regarding staff satisfaction with the employer’s performance in correctly applying the management practices evaluated, a careful implementation of the data collection process may lead to the BNQ issuing a Remarkable Employer certificate or Remarkable Employer - Ethnocultural Diversity certificate. The certificate is valid for two years. Certified organizations are also entitled to use the BNQ certification mark to promote its certification.